lunedì 28 luglio 2014

Bolivia: IX Reunion of the Sovereign Grand Commanders of South America

Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

Bolivia's Supreme Council hosted on May 29 to 31, 2014, the IX Reunion of the  during the Sovereign Grand Commanders of South America. Sovereign Grand Commander Jorge Enrique Inofuentes Peix said that the event was attended by the Supreme Councils of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela and Ecuador. Columbia could not be represented because its leader was in the hospital. Also, the Supreme Councils of Panama, Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria attended as observers.

Also, in an interview at the event, the leader of the Scottish Rite in Bolivia stated that he welcomes and respects Women's Freemasonry. The statement was made in the context of a question launched by the reporter who asked why women are not allowed in Freemasonry.