martedì 2 settembre 2014

Grand Chancellor of the French National Grand Lodge: Basic Principles of Universal Freemasonry can not be negotiated

Paris, France. 

Following the Berlin Declaration (document signed by the Grand Lodges of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium), the French National Grand Lodge responded by issuing a world-wide circular signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Right Worshipful Grand Chancellor.

Grand Master Servel asked his counterparts around the world how would they react when someone would try to impose a new "Masonic landscape" in their jurisdiction, showing his outrage regarding the way in which those five Grand Lodges in Central Europe are acting.

GLNF's Grand Chancellor also announced his counterparts in other jurisdictions and draws attention regarding the dangerous precedent that could lead to the destabilization of various jurisdictions in the world, causing chaos, stating that the basic principles of Universal Freemasonry can not be negotiated.