sabato 25 aprile 2015

Conference of Grand Masters of North America: Freemasonry in Bulgaria is moving towards unification

Vancouver, Canada.The Conference of Grand Masters of North America took place this year in Canada. According to the report issued by the Commission on Information for Recognition, Bulgarian Freemasonry made significant progress towards the unification of the Grand Lodges in dispute and it was estimated that this would be done this summer.

Regarding the situation in Serbia, the United Grand Lodges of Serbia came into contact with the Commission in order to submit a report in Vancouver. On 11 February, the United Grand Lodges of Serbia announced that they will not be present at the meeting in Vancouver. The Commission considers that the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia (Grand Master Ranko Vujacic) is still the representative of Freemasonry in Serbia. The situation in Serbia was presented last month by the Masonic Press Agency and Masonic Times.