martedì 1 settembre 2015

National Grand Lodge of Romania celebrated 135 years since its foundation

Bucharest, Romania. 

The National Grand Lodge of Romania celebrated in june 135 years since the founding of the Romanian National Grand Lodge in 1880. On this occasion, NGLR organized a series of events to mark the historic moment.

A few days before the Grand Lodge Annual Communication it was held a ceremony where the Grand Master offered the "Faith and Virtue" Medal to thank several personalities and institutions for their contribution to the welfare of the Romanian people. The event was attended by former President Emil Constantinescu, Chief of the Presidential Chancellery (Dan Mihalache), Deputy Prin Minister Gabriel Oprea etc. The medal was received by President Klaus Johannis, Emil Constantinescu, Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Romania's current ambassador to Washington D.C. (George Maior), Laura C. Kovesi (Chief of the NAD), Chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service etc.

The Annual Communication which marked the 135 years was attended by delegations from all continents (France, Guatemala, Brazil, Spain, Moldova, Russia, Italy, USA, Germany etc.) and a number of more than 1,000 Brethren.

Also on this occasion, took place an Executive Committee of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges (Grand Master Balanescu occupying the office of Executive Secretary of this forum). The ceremonies culminated with the NGLR's Awards Gala, an event which already become a tradition and is hosted annually by the Romanian Athenaeum.

da Masonic Press Agency