lunedì 30 novembre 2015

Il Grande Oriente d'Italia è in mutuo riconoscimento con 192 Grandi Logge regolari del Mondo

Questi i riconoscimenti internazionali del Grande Oriente d'Italia:

BURKINA FASO • Grande Loge du Burkina Faso
CONGO • Grande Loge du Congo
CÔTE D’IVOIRE • Grande Loge de Côte d’Ivoire
DJIBOUTI • Grande Loge Nationale de Djibouti (suspended, Oct. 2013)
GABON • Grande Loge du Gabon
MADAGASCAR • Grande Loge Nationale Malgache
MOROCCO • Grande Loge du Royaume du Maroc
MAURITIUS • Grande Loge de Maurice
MOÇAMBIQUE • Grande Loja do Moçambique
NIGER • Grande Loge du Niger
SENEGAL • Grande Loge du Senegal
ALBANIA • Grand Lodge of Albania
ANDORRA PRINC. • Gran Lògia d’Andorra
AUSTRIA • Grand Lodge of Austria
BELGIUM • Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium
BOSNIA & HERZEG. • Grand Lodge of Bosnia & Herzegovina
BULGARIA • United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
CROATIA • Grand Lodge of Croatia
CYPRUS • Grand Lodge of Cyprus
CZECH REPUBLIC • Grand Lodge of Czech Republic
FRANCE • Grande Loge Nationale Française
GERMANY • United Grand Lodges of Germany
GREECE • Grand Lodge of Greece
HUNGARY • Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
LATVIA • Grand Lodge of Latvia
LITHUANIA • Grand Lodge of Lithuania
LUXEMBOURG • Grande Loge de Luxembourg
MOLDOVA • Grand Lodge of Moldova
MONACO PRINC. • Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Princip. de Monaco
MONTENEGRO • Grand Lodge of Montenegro
NETHERLANDS • Grand East of the Netherlands
POLAND • National Grand Lodge of Poland
PORTUGAL • Grande Loja Legal de Portugal/GLRP
ROMANIA • National Grand Lodge of Romania
RUSSIA • Grand Lodge of Russia
SAN MARINO • Serenissima Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino
SERBIA • Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
SLOVAKIA • Grand Lodge of Slovakia
SLOVENIA • Grand Lodge of Slovenia
SPAIN • Gran Logia de España
SWITZERLAND • Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland
UKRAINE • Grand Lodge of Ukraine
ALABAMA • Grand Lodge of Alabama
ALASKA • Grand Lodge of Alaska
ALASKA • Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska and Its Jurisdiction
ARIZONA • Grand Lodge of Arizona
ARKANSAS • Grand Lodge of Arkansas
CALIFORNIA • Grand Lodge of California
CALIFORNIA • Grand Lodge of Iran (in exile)
COLORADO • Grand Lodge of Colorado
COLORADO • Prince Hall G. L. of Colorado and its Jurisdiction
CONNECTICUT • Grand Lodge of Connecticut
DELAWARE • Grand Lodge of Delaware
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA • Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
FLORIDA • Grand Lodge of Florida
GEORGIA • Grand Lodge of Georgia
HAWAII • Grand Lodge of Hawaii
IDAHO • Grand Lodge of Idaho
ILLINOIS • Grand Lodge of Illinois
ILLINOIS • Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois and its Jurisdiction
INDIANA •  Grand Lodge of Indiana
IOWA • Grand Lodge of Iowa
KANSAS • Grand Lodge of Kansas
KENTUCKY • Grand Lodge of Kentucky
LOUISIANA • Grand Lodge of Louisiana
MAINE • Grand Lodge of Maine
MARYLAND • Grand Lodge of Maryland
MASSACHUSETTS • Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
MICHIGAN • Grand Lodge of Michigan
MINNESOTA • Grand Lodge of Minnesota
MISSISSIPPI • Grand Lodge of Mississippi
MISSOURI • Grand Lodge of Missouri
MONTANA • Grand Lodge of Montana
NEBRASKA • Grand Lodge of Nebraska
NEVADA • Grand Lodge of Nevada
NEW HAMPSHIRE • Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
NEW JERSEY • Grand Lodge of New Jersey
NEW MEXICO • Grand Lodge of New Mexico
NEW YORK • Grand Lodge of the State of New York
NEW YORK • Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York
NORTH CAROLINA • Grand Lodge of North Carolina
NORTH CAROLINA • Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina
NORTH DAKOTA • Grand Lodge of North Dakota
OHIO • Grand Lodge of Ohio
OKLAHOMA • Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA • Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
OREGON • Grand Lodge of Oregon
PENNSYLVANIA • Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
RHODE ISLAND • Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
SOUTH CAROLINA • Grand Lodge of South Carolina
SOUTH DAKOTA • Grand Lodge of South Dakota
TENNESSEE • Grand Lodge of Tennessee
TEXAS • Grand Lodge of Texas
UTAH • Grand Lodge of Utah
VERMONT • Grand Lodge of Vermont
VIRGINIA • Grand Lodge of Virginia
WASHINGTON • Grand Lodge of the State of Washington
WISCONSIN • Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
WYOMING • Grand Lodge of Wyoming
ALBERTA • Grand Lodge of Alberta
BRITISH COLUMBIA • Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon
MANITOBA • Grand Lodge of Manitoba
NEW BRUNSWICK • Grand Lodge of New Brunswick
NEWFOUNDLAND • Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador
NOVA SCOTIA • Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
ONTARIO • Grand Lodge of Canada (in the Province of Ontario)
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND • Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
QUEBEC • Grand Lodge of Quebec
SASKATCHEWAN • Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
ARGENTINA • Gran Logia de la Argentina
BOLIVIA • Grand Lodge of Bolivia
CHILE • Gran Logia de Chile
COSTA RICA • Gran Logia de Costa Rica
CUBA • Grand Lodge of Cuba
DOMINICAN REP. • Gran Logia de la Republica Dominicana
ECUADOR • Gran Logia Equinoccial del Ecuador
EL SALVADOR • Gran Logia “Cuscatlan” – El Salvador
GUATEMALA • Gran Logia de Guatemala
HAITI • Grand Orient d’Haiti
HONDURAS • Gran Logia de Honduras
NICARAGUA • Gran Logia de Nicaragua
PANAMA • Grand Lodge of Panama
PARAGUAY • Gran Logia Simbolica del Paraguay
PERU • Grand Lodge of Peru
PUERTO RICO • Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico
URUGUAY • Grand Lodge of Uruguay
VENEZUELA • Gran Logia de la Republica de Venezuela
ACRE • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Acre-GLEAC
ALAGOAS • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Alagoas
AMAPA’ • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Amapà
AMAZONAS • Grande Loja Maçonica do Amazonas-Glomam
BAHIA • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado da Bahia
CEARA’ • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Ceara’
D.F. • Grande Loja Maçonica do Distrito Federal
ESPIRITO SANTO • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Espirito Santo
GOIAS • Grande Loja of the State of Goias
MARANHAO • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Maranhao
MATO GROSSO • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Mato Grosso
MATO GROSSO DO SUL • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Mato Grosso Do Sul
MINAS GERAIS • Grande Loja Maçonica de Minas Gerais
PARA’ • Grande Loja Maçonica do Para’
PARAIBA • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado da Paraiba
PARANA’ • Grande Loja do Parana’
PERNAMBUCO • Grande Loja de Pernambuco
PIAUI’ • Grand Lodge of Piaui’
RIO DE JANEIRO • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
RIO GRANDE DO NORTE • Grande Loja do Estado do Rio Grande Do Norte
RIO GRANDE DO SUL • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Rio Grande Do Sul
RONDONIA • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Rondonia-GLOMARON
RORAIMA • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Roraima
S. CATARINA • Grande Loja de Santa Catarina
SAO PAULO • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Sao Paulo
SERGIPE • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Sergipe
TOCANTINS • Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado do Tocantins
CARTAGENA DE INDIAS • Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia
BOGOTA’ • Gran Logia de Colombia
BUCAMARANGA • Gran Logia de Los Andes
BARRANQUILLA • Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia
CALI • Gran Logia Occidental de Colombia
CUCUTA  Gran Logia Oriental de Colombia
YORK • Grand Lodge of Mexico
BAJA CALIFORNIA • Gran Logia de Estado “Baja California”
CAMPECHE • Gran Logia “Campeche”
CHIAPAS • Gran Logia Regular y Confederada del Estado de Chiapas
CHIHUAHUA • Gran Logia “Cosmos” del Estado de Chihuahua
COAHUILA • Gran Logia “Benito Juarez” del Estado de Coahuila
COLIMA • Gran Logia “Sur-Oeste” of Colima
D.F. • Gran Logia Valle de Mexico
HIDALGO • Gran Logia de Hidalgo
JALISCO • Gran Logia “Occidental Mexicana” – Jalisco
MORELOS • Gran Logia Soberana e Independiente de Estado de Morelos
NUEVO LEON • Gran Logia del Estado de Nuevo Leon
OAXACA • Gran Logia “Benito Juarez Garcia” del Estado de Oaxaca
QUERETARO • Gran Logia del Estado de Querétaro
SAN LUIS POTOSI • Gran Logia de Estado Soberana e Ind. “El Potosi”
SINALOA • Gran Logia del Sinaloa
SONORA • Gran Logia del Pacifico – Sonora
TAMAULIPAS • Gran Logia de Tamaulipas
VERACRUZ • Gran Logia “Unida Mexicana” – Veracruz
YUCATAN • Gran Logia “La Oriental Peninsular” de Yucatan
ARMENIA • Grand Lodge of Armenia
AZERBAIJAN • National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan
CHINA • TAIWAN Grand Lodge of China
PHILIPPINES • Grand Lodge of the Philippines
INDIA • Grand Lodge of India
JAPAN • Grand Lodge of Japan
NEW SOUTH WALES • Grand Lodge of New South Wales and ACT
QUEENSLAND • Grand Lodge of Queensland
SOUTH AUSTRALIA • Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory
TASMANIA • Grand Lodge of Tasmania
VICTORIA • United Grand Lodge of Victoria
NEW ZEALAND • Grand Lodge of New Zealand
FRENCH POLINESIA • Grande Loge Régulière de Tahiti et des Archipels