mercoledì 18 marzo 2015

United Grand Lodges of Serbia reacts after the decision taken at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America

Belgrade, Serbia. 

Following the information presented by the Masonic Press Agency on February 24, 2015 (regarding the recognition of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia), the United Grand Lodges of Serbia wanted a right of reply.

The United Grand Lodges of Serbia claim that the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is not the sole Obedience complying with the standards of regularity and recognition. 

It also states that the truth of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is a half true. Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of Serbia were not present at this year's meeting of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America and will be present at the meeting in 2016. 

They also presented a series of letters of several officials of European Freemasonry.